Instant SaaS Starter Kit: Go Live in Days, Not Months

The Ultimate Next.js Boilerplate for SaaS Applications.

Comes with a built-in Affiliate-program system!
Last updated on Aug 18, 2024
$100 off
for the first 13 customers (9 left)

From 4 happy customers!



Nextjs 14.3 - Tailwind CSS - Shadcn/ui - Typescript



Prisma - PostgreSQL - Neon


Billing & Subscriptions

Powered by Stripe

Saas Management

Client,Admin and Affiliate panels



Nextauth 5.0



Resend - React email


Server actions


Markdown Based

Landing pages

Customizable pages with everything you need to showcase and sell your product, built exclusively using the best UI libraries: Tailwind CSS and Shadcn UI.

  • Landing page

  • Blog articles page

  • Affiliate-program page with revenue calculator

  • Authentication (sign-in, sign-up) pages

  • Light and dark mode


Payments and Subscriptions

Start collecting payments (subscriptions and one-time purchases) in minutes. Powered by Stripe

  • Automatically update user plans via webhooks for subscriptions and one-time payments

  • Secure Stripe Billing Portal for managing transactions, invoices, and plans (upgrade, downgrade, cancel)

  • The pricing table is highly dynamic and configurable to support one-time, recurring and free subscriptions.



User Authentication is handled by Auth.js 5.0, which enables you to fully customize every aspect of your authentication flow.

  • Social Auth (Google, GitHub, Twitter, Facebook ...)

  • Traditional Email/Pass Auth with Password Reset functionality

  • Multi-Factor Auth functionality

Powered by NextAuth


Use your preferred database effortlessly with Prisma ORM, preferred choice for modern database management.

  • PostgreSQL by default but you can also switch to (MySQL, MongoDB, more...)

Powered by NeonPrismaPostgreSQL


We designed and set up over 10 email templates using React Email & Resend.

  • Send transactional emails (password reset, 2FA, activation)

  • Send welcome emails to new clients

  • Send new subscription emails to admin

  • Send subscription receipts to clients

  • Send contact form emails to admin

  • Send account creation emails to clients who subscribed before creating an account

  • Send welcome emails to new affiliates

  • Send new sale emails to affiliates

  • Send withdrawal request emails to admin


MDX-based Blog

We have integrated an entire blog powered by MDX and Contentlayer. This will keep your SaaS customers up-to-date with the latest news and enhances your online presence, thereby driving more sales.

  • Markdown support: Write content easily using familiar Markdown syntax

  • SEO optimization: Combine Next.js static site generation (SSG) with contentlayer's structured content management for improved search engine visibility

  • Type-safe content management: Benefit from contentlayer's TypeScript integration for error-free content handling

  • Flexible content modeling: Define custom schemas with contentlayer's powerful content type system

Powered by Contentlayer

SEO and Performance Optimized

SEO and performance optimized for peak efficiency, ensuring search engine visibility and fast loading times. Enhances user experience and boosts site ranking to drive organic traffic to your SaaS business.

  • Ready-to-use SEO setup

  • Dynamic Opengraph metadata

  • Optimized site assets


Admin Dashboard

The NextSaas includes an advanced Admin Dashboard designed to streamline the management of your SaaS operations. This intuitive dashboard is seamlessly integrated with the backend for effortless functionality. Key features include:

  • Automatically updated key statistics and data for each plan, including revenue, subscriptions, users, conversions, affiliates, visitors, and more.

  • Subscriptions table to manage your Saas subscriptions

  • Users Table to manage your Saas clients

  • Tasks manager

  • Efficient management of payout requests for affiliates

  • Configuration options for the affiliate program

  • Affiliates Table to manage your Saas affiliates

  • Payouts Table to handle affiliates payments


Client Dashboard

The NextSaas features a user-friendly Client Dashboard that empowers end-users to manage and modify their account settings and preferences effortlessly.

  • Comprehensive profile management

  • Plans & Billing management

  • Manage email preferences by giving users the option to opt in or out of your mailing list.

  • Enable clients to become affiliates by easily assigning the AFFILIATE role to their accounts.

  • Clients can easily delete their accounts and associated data.

  • Image upload funtionality using claudinary


Affiliate Program system

The NextSaas includes a fully built-in Affiliate Program System, enabling users to market their app without relying on costly third-party solutions. This comprehensive system offers:

  • Tracking of earnings and commissions

  • Easily manage affiliate links. Each link includes detailed statistics on earnings and conversions (visitors will be added in the future).

  • Efficient management of affiliate accounts and payout requests

  • Customize the affiliate program with options to select plans, choose reward types, set payout thresholds, define referral cookie durations, and more.

  • Affiliates can select their preferred payment method, including options like PayPal, Payoneer, Wise, and more.

  • Enable affiliates to become clients by easily assigning the CLIENT role to their accounts and setting up their subscription plans.

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Check out our roadmap to learn everything about our future plans and what's coming next.
  • Workspace / Organizations

    We are actively working on supporting team creation and management, allowing users to form organizations, invite members, and assign roles like Owner, Admin, Member, and Guest.

  • AI integration

    We will work on integrating our NextSaas Starter Kit with OpenAI and Gemini Pro.This integration will enable rapid development of AI-powered applications.

And many more ....
Do You have a feature in mind?

Additional benefits for you!

hero image
  • Next.js

    Discord community

    With the purchase you get access to the exclusive Discord community for support.

  • Lifetime Free Updates

    Our commitment to providing lifetime free updates ensures that your SaaS platform remains up-to-date with the latest features and improvements. This ongoing support guarantees that your software will continuously evolve, keeping you ahead of industry trends without any additional costs.

  • Marketing plugins

    Our NextSaas boilerplate comes with a set of marketing plugins, including Sales Notifications and a chat plugin from Crisp.


Flexible pricing, for everyone.

About me

Who am I?

A brief description of myself

personel image
Hey, I am Zack 👋
I'm a software engineer with a passion for building micro saas applications, Throughout my development journey, I often found myself repeating the same foundational tasks—developing landing pages, integrating payment systems, managing email lists and sequences, implementing analytics,dashboards, authentication and more.
This recurring cycle inspired me to create a comprehensive boilerplate solution that accelerates the launch process.
Now, you can leverage this tool to jumpstart your own SaaS projects efficiently and effectively!

Frequently asked questions

Here are some of the most asked questions

    • NextAuthAuth.js
    • shadcn/ui
    • PostgreSQLPostgresql
    • TypescriptTypescript